Master a Winning Mindset Certificate Course by Abhinav Bindra
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Key Takeaways from this Masterclass
- Learn how to build teams, environments and the skills to be a winner in a boardroom or classroom!
- With personal experiences, the chapters are easy to follow and winning advice easy to implement in your life.
- Candid insights from the champions on the days he failed and how he overcame them to be the Champion he is today!
What Will I Learn?
- India’s only Individual Olympic Gold Medalist, Abhinav Bindra shares with you the skills he built, the relationships he nurtured and the environments he created to be a champion so that you can use his tools of success to succeed in the boardroom or the classroom. A masterclass designed and delivered so that you as a learner can take the lessons from sport and implement it in your life to build a winning mindset.