Finance for Non-Finance Executives for B.Com DU (Delhi University) by CA Raj K Agrawal
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3 Times Views means watch time allowed is 3 times the video duration for each video individually. For example, if a video is of 1.5 hours, the time allowed to view would be 4.5 hours. Suppose you watch for 10 minutes and close the player, you will still have 4 hours & 20 minutes remaining. Watch time will not be consumed while doing forward or backward in the player. In case you watch 10 minutes at the speed of 1.5x, it shall be counted as 15 minutes.
What Will I Learn?
- This short course surveys all the major topics covered in a full semester MBA level finance course, but with a more intuitive approach on a very high conceptual level. ... Rather, it is intended to be a first step for anyone who is curious about understanding stock markets, valuation, or corporate finance.